Sunday, August 29, 2010

Short break

As I'll be headed to London shortly to visit the grave of my hero of all heroes, Sir Richard F. Burton, it's a good time to take a couple week break and come back w/new improvements and ideas for the blog and hand signal project.  Burton did a great deal to inspire the trading pit history project as I've read through most of his writings and am continually impressed with the detail of which he documented observations w/new cultures during his extensive travels.  It's my aim to channel some of Burton's talents to take this project to the next level by reflecting upon what he has accomplished.

Just as impressive as Burton are some enthusiast's websites which provide wonderful ideas to present education and knowledge sharing on any project.

The most extensive book on Burton took it's title in part from an Alexander Pope poem which certainly applies to Burton and just as easily applies to the trading mentors I've been fortunate to learn from:

....with pleasures too refined to please,
With too much spirit to be e'er at ease,
With too much quickness ever to be taught,
With too much thinking to have common thought:
You purchase pain with all that joy can give,
And die of nothing but a rage to live

For anyone who is interested in learning more about Burton, I'd suggest to read The Devil Drives as a good introduction.
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